Thursday, November 30, 2006

Must Have List Building tools

More Traffic Equals More Subscribers!

Let us Show you how to do the Following!

  • Build Your Own Traffic Downline
  • Build Your Own TEAM
  • Build Your Own Contact List
  • Promote Your Opportunity
  • All with one URL!
  • Live Workshops - Members Forum

How Many Subscribers do you want?100 - 1000 - 10000?

Start Generating Your Own Unshared Leads Today!Free Marketing Tools - Multi Surfing e Course


First Name

Last Name


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Ultimate Marketing and Lead Capture Tool

Building your online business can be Simple, Easy, and Fun.

In order for you to build your business BIG , FAST, Globally and Generate Income you must be able to Effectively Market to the over 900 Million users online.

To this end we have created for You the most Powerful, Simple, Easy to Use and affordable HIGH RESPONSE marketing System ever.

Use this secret strategy to build your downline...

This is just too cool...

Would you like to learn how to recruit people
into your program on auto-pilot?

Here's your chance to learn from someone who's
done it!

For a limited time you can listen in on a free
call and learn how a top sponsor (James
Grandstaff) exploded his downline to over 5,700
members with a simple 3 step strategy.

The part I found amazing is that he did it in
his spare time while keeping his full time PC
support job.

They're giving away full access to the call for
a limited time only so you must register now to
be certain you don't miss out.

Click the link below now to validate your package.

Talk to you later,


P.S. On the call you'll learn exactly how to
copy James' strategy step-by-step. So be sure
to click the link below now to gain private access.

My TrafficSwarm credits went up by 1500%

I joined this New Traffic Generator and my TrafficSwarm credits went up by 1500% in 5 days. This powerful tool can help you.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Blaze your way through the lists.

Make use of this credit based safelist to build your lists, earn credits and earn money simply by reading your mails.

Join today.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Powerful List Building Strategies...

Discover How You Could Become a Highly Successful, Respected & Powerful Database List Owner! The goal here is to help YOU... As a fellow marketer I was just sick of the hype and high priced products and seminars that don't teach anything new and make things out of reach for common hard working folks. is very different as I hope you've now seen and you can join and learn how to start building or improve on your own high quality mailing list right now.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Commuting Sucks!

So don't do it.
Build an online business and wave goodbye to the J.O.B

Your Creation, your reward

A brand new listbuilder. Get in now while it is still unknown. It's a completely new concept .

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The New List Building Standard!

If you're in a hurry, and know something good when you
see it, just click the link below, and thank me later.

But... if you have a few minutes, you're going to love
what I have to say.

For months I thought it was almost impossible to make
any money online, sound familiar? After making a few
bucks here and there I realized it wasn't impossible,
but it wasn't going to happen as fast as I needed it

It all started to come together when my list grew. I
wasn't surprised, after all, The Money's In The List.
The problem was that building my list was taking way
too long, and I didn't have time to wait.

Then I got "Lucky" ...

I found a system that gave me access to a targeted
list of thousands of prospects right now, while at
the same time building a list for tomorrow. What I
found out next shocked me ...

The site is free!

Here's what sold me on Your Lucky List:

1. Free to join with no pressure to upgrade.

2. I wanted access to a huge optin list, now.

3. I knew I wanted to build my own list for the

4. There are serious rewards for being active.

Honestly, this system practically runs itself. That's
not to say that you can't kick it into overdrive with
a little effort on your part, but if you want to just
sit back and watch your list grow, you can do it.

Want to see what I'm so excited about?

Isn't it about time you had a "Lucky" list of your
very own?


Anthony Vieira Da Cruz

P.S. After you join up, try to to tell a few your friends
about the site. It won't take much convincing and it will
put your list building into high gear.

P.P.S. You'll be blown away by how professional this site
is. This isn't one of those cheesy sites run by some joker
who has no clue what they're doing.

You'll love this!

Hey Fellow Marketers

In the time it took you to open this letter you could
start receiving an influx of hot-hungry opt~in leads
and subscribers (and big FAT commissions)... at zero
cost to you.

Let me explain:

A lot of people ask me what methods and systems I
recommend to generate piles of opt~in email
subscribers for their lists...

...and I rattle off a bunch of things like writing
articles, ezine ads, sig files, cross-marketing,
co-reg services, ad swaps, and OptInStorm.

Hey!... Wait a minute... What was that last one?


You may not have heard of this yet but this is the
system that thousands of top opt~in list owners have
just started using with fantastic results. Myself

It uses the power of co-opetition to viralize your
list building efforts and builds your list almost

But wait, here's the best part...

The creators of this thing have taken a giant leap
ahead of any "so-called" list building service you've
ever seen before, with their kick-butt 'Profit
Synergy' feature.

This unique "twist" really blew me away!

Imagine being able to generate big FAT juicy
commissions -- hands-free -- *while* you build your

I urge you to visit the web site right away to check
this out for yourself:

AOL Hot Link

Set-up takes just minutes and this will definitely
play a major role in your list building arsenal.

Fact is, the #1 moneymaking asset you need on the Web
is your own opt~in email list. That's why if you're
serious about making as much money as possible (and
doing it anytime you want) - you've got to check this

Here's the link:

AOL Hot Link

I promise you'll love it!

To your success,


P.S. Stop banging your head against a wall trying to
build your own massive, responsive opt~in list! Now you
can get your hands on a powerful f'ree list building
system with time-tested results.

Get started now.

AOL Hot Link

Monday, November 20, 2006

All the worlds top networkers gather here.

All Networkers

Hi Fellow Networkers

You’ve been involved in networking for awhile now. You may have even had a certain amount of success…maybe a lot, maybe a little. But have you ever truly been given the opportunity to not only significantly increase your own ability to be successful, but be able to offer people on your team or people you meet along the way the same opportunity?

Well, you’ve just been given that very opportunity.

My position in a new program is literally at the top of the entire company and I am looking to add true leaders under me. When I made a short list of people I wanted to offer this chance to, your name was on it! Have you EVER had a chance to actually be right at the very TOP of the company?! You have that chance….right now!

What IS the program? Well, some programs are designed for some networkers, other programs are designed for other networkers, only AllNetworkers is designed for ALL networkers.

Signing up now doesn't obligate you in any way. But it may very well solidify better placement than you've ever had before in a program that could very well be the missing piece in your networking life.

An excerpt from the company:
“We are designing our company to equip all motivated individuals with the latest news, skills and tools required for achieving success. The average person thinks about success and their future. However, they are infamous for saying, “ONE DAY I WILL”…then they fill in the blanks with all their hopes, dreams, desires, etc. But unfortunately, they never actually leave that mindset. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s because they don’t know HOW to.

Our goal is to help as many people as we can accomplish networking with the least bit of difficulty. We are putting a plan together that truly gives our members a top rated service. Not only will you be introduced to other networking members, you will also be able to market your Product, Business Opportunity and Services at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a heavy hitter or just starting out, this site is being created for YOU.

Our intent is to make everything so much easier you WILL be successful. Once you become a member you will have the opportunity to use all the services on the site, upload your pictures, email members and much much more.”

Therefore, whether you consider yourself successful now or not, you know people who are not, but would like to be….and I’m contacting you personally because I'm betting you'd like to help change that. Many so-called ‘heavy hitters’ worry more about their own bottom line than in helping truly build up their team. This program is intended to change that.

So if you’d like to get involved in this, with the potential to make over $11,000 a month WHILE building your team in other programs…and have possibly your first EVER chance at truly getting in at the very beginning of something, don’t wait…get right back to me, and I’ll get you further information.

Or go directly here for the complete overview:

To our success

Anthony Vieira Da Cruz
0027 721839110

I'm About to Infect You? Read on...

100% Free System to Build Your Opt-in List

Easily Triple Your List with Brand New System!We will Email Your New Opt-in Leads to YouFree of Charge!


you've got to see this...

it has got to be the
fastest, easiest, way to
build your list that exists
in the universe...


It took me just 5 minutes
and 45 seconds to get it
up and running for me...

(see if you can beat that!)

and my list is literally
building itself on autopilot



whoever thought of this
is a genius...



watch out for the "Secret Upgrade"
--if you get the chance, definitely
take advantage of it. It'll make your
version of List Hero MUCH better
than everyone else's...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Free Home Based Business
You can start your own business
at home for free. Let us show you how!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

GDI Team Memebers

If you are a GDI member and you are not part of the GDI Team Builder, Join Now.

If are not a GDI member, now is your chance to join as we will help you build your team.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Free Gold membership worth $50.00

Come get a $50 membership for nothing!
Join Now and make money in the best downline builder ever developed. A New Launch!
See My Site:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

How to build your list at no cost?



Most program only requires you to refer 2 ~ 5 people !

That means if you're referring anymore than that while your referrals aren't doing anything, you'll never be able to succeed simply because you'll never be able to refer thousands of people all by yourself !!!

Come become part of the Reality-Networkers and find out for yourself how this entire team of active networkers can help you, and your referrals to do their part.

Remember, to truly for you to earn that millions of dollars in every matrices out there is not for yourself to refer 1000s of people, but to have your referrals refer 2 ~ 5 people on their own with the help of Reality-Networkers.

To find out more details on how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE, please follow this link here:

100% Commissions on Listbuilding Software.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ultimate List Building Exposed

Do you know what a funnel is?
Yes, of course you do! Likely you know what a sales funnel is too!
But just for those of you who you don’t it’s a simple process of taking a visitor and “funnelling them through a process”..
In it’s basic format it looks something like this…
Visitor=Opt in=Sale=Second sale=Third sale=Ongoing sales=Eventual Travel through funnel

Now in this process you have information, support, guidance, up selling, cross selling, down selling and back end selling… You may have training, cloning and a truckload of other goodies going on..
People may leave this funnel at any given point, but you can “control” to some point how they leave your processing.
That information is all for future reports (which we will be adding from time to time in our new site).
Many people in Internet Marketing have asked me…..“How do I get people into my list to begin with..”?
Well there are MANY ways, but one that I personally love and one that I know my own mentor teaches is…
Get them at FREE or BETTER than FREE!
So what can you give to someone that is better than free that will help you to build your list?
Well, lets look at that in more detail first.
Have a process in mind when you start this step.. Understand where you are ‘leading’ your visitor, do not just think one step ahead, have a plan, a goal, a purpose and to quote what Mike Filsaime teaches.. “Begin with the end in Mind…. “
My latest quote, one that I think I lay claim to is this…..
“Focus lets you see further on down the road… Action, takes you there…”
So combining the two methods above, we already have a strong guiding force to ensure we build that list.
One is to have the focus, the foresight to know where we are headed, where we want to take our members on their journey and we also have the strategy implemented, we are taking action to put this machine in motion.
I call it a machine, because provided you set this right, you could in reality have a detachment from the whole process once it kicks into motion and you could simply become an observer and watch the whole process unfold..
Lets look at flower arranging as my example.. Lets say that this was my area of expertise, then I would probably start with a free eBook or better still a free video on basic flower arranging techniques and or tips…
That would be something my audience would be interested in, and they would be willing to share their email address for!
What is the cost of this method?
Well, there are MANY things you could use, and you do not even have to create them yourself.
Think about original marketing techniques… Offline, you would have to pay to advertise in a magazine, newspaper or journal in your field. You could pay for leaflets, inserts, TV ads, Radio ads, Business Cards, gift items with your contact information on and much more to spread the word about your business.. But this would not come cheap!
Now you can set up a web site, create a product at a very low budget and then give that away for free in return for the right to market to them in future – their email address..
Better still, you create a method for making money on the upsell to this free exchange and then you give that first upsell to your members to keep a high percentage of the profit.. This makes them an affiliate of your product, and they will then “advertise” on your behalf..
The incentive for them is income and to let people know about a great service or product you have and you get more names on your list to market to for the future…

*Just Launched* Free Advertising With a Twist!

You have never seen Free Advertising like this. *Just Launched!*
Hi [fname] Phil Basten of JPE Advertising is amazing.
He just finished a brand new targeted advertising site that will knock your socks off. You gotta see this new site.
It's Called Target Ads Depot We call it TAD, for short. It has it all... * Free Advertising for your targeted text ad* Banner Ads, Exit Pops* Commissions, commissions and more commissions* Your ad rotates on a huge network of our sites and on JV partner sites* Your ad stays in the number 1 postion on your affiliate link.* Use our mailer to contact your downlines or the entire database* We advertise for all members And here's the Twist When you join you will see a one time offerto become a Pro Life Time Member of TAD.
When you become a pro member of TAD, you can put your clickbank id in the members area and it will automatically appear on your affiliate homepage and when when anyone purchases a clickbank product from your site, you get thesale!
Let me say this again.
Your clickbank id will appear in literallythousands of Clickbank Mall products automaticallyand anytime someone buys one of those products,through your TAD affiliate site, YOU profit.
But it get's even better. If a free membersignups under you, your ClickBank ID appearson their page as well, until they upgrade toa pro membership. Your ClickBank ID couldappear on 100's of pages. Take a look at the front page of TAD Even if someone lands on the site and does not sign up for TAD, but goes directly to the Clickbank Mall site because they see something that interests them, you get the commission if they buy any item from the Clickbank Mall. I can't tell you how much money a month I make from Clickbank. It's an insane amount and with the new TAD Clikcbank Mall, it is about to explode big-time. You must be a Pro Member of TAD to take avantage of this income stream which can put thousands of dollars in your pocket . Be sure to take a look at Jane's videoin the upper right hand corner of themain site. It explains many of thekey aspects of TAD
Join free today but... If you want the full benefits of TAD, take advantage of the one time offer. You will see this after you fill in your informationand you can save a lot of money. If you decide to upgrade later, It willcost you extra and you won't get the special price. If your ads are not on Target, you are missing the mark.

Anthony Vieira Da Cruz
PS: Craig Haywood, made 5 clickbank sales without advertising a thing and Jane madeone for 47.12 for something called SUBMSSG without doing a thing. Neither of these members adverised these products anywhereelse. Members really love this feature.

Fastest Way To Build MULTIPLE lists

GUARANTEED to build your list 7x faster than ANY OTHER method. Save time, save energy, promote to multiple lists today.

Join Now


Build a 100,000 member opt-in list in only 30 days.

Hi Fellow Marketer,

It has always been said that the money is in the list. And like in real estate, where the 3 most important things are"Location, Location, Location." In marketing it's:The List The List The List

It has been said that you can make $1 each and everymonth for every member you have to your opt-in list.

So if you have 1000 member, you can make $1000 per month with all different affiliate programs.
If you have you have 15,000 members you can make up to$15,000 per month. What if you had 100,000 members.

Well there is a new site that helps you get 100,000members to your opt-in list in under 30 days. The reviewshave been outstanding and it seems that finally everymarketer both big and small have joined this fr.e.e service.You get find out more about it here: -
Now you can finally have a huge opt-in list for yourself.
Good luck with your marketing!!

DesktopLightning... You need it!

A tool you have to have is DesktopLightning. If you are not yet a member and you want to see the potential, check in the right hand colomn and floolw the DesktopLightning Update links. It's my person experience of DesktopLightning. Bookmark the blog and come back daily to see the growth.

Not another List Builder!!!!!!!

I can just see peoples faces. Another person wanting to get on the list building band wagon. As much as you may be sick of it, network marketing cannot really take place without a list. I have therefore decided to place all the sites I can possible find under one roof.

Join one, join them all.

As new ones come out, join up and let your others know about it. Slowly but surely, your list will grow.

If you have a list builder that I have not included, please let me know on, I may just decide to join beneath you and send my downline to your site.


We are here to help each other. If you find the site helpful or you like the site, please leave a comment.

Viral Mailing

This is one of my sites that has grown decently since I started. Since I haven't really marketed it, it's one of my smaller lists. Still a great site though.

Rapid List Building Program Right Here

Top marketers know that the money is in the list.On average advertisers earn $1 per month, for everysingle lead on their list. The List Machine will helpyou build a list of 10,000 leads in less than 30 days,potentially earning you $10,000 the first time yousend your list an email!
It doesn't stop there though ...
The List Machine has a built-in money-making system,where you can start earning money instantly byjust telling a few friends about the system!

Listbuilding JV - let me help build your list

Hi Friends,

I would like to invite you to be part of my new "list building" joint venture. I want to help you to double or triple the size of your opt-in list in the next 30 days, and it won't cost you one cent to participate.
If you choose to participate in this JV, you will receive:
- MY help building YOUR opt-in list- Others you come in contact with also viraly building your list for you- A chance to earn huge residual monthly commissions- And more...
For all of the details, visit:
Just imagine having thousands of people virally building a targeted opt-in list for you.

Anthony Vieira Da Cruz
P.S. Be sure to check this out quickly - I'm not sure how many people I will be able to allow to participate in this joint venture.

Get your MegaList Here.

The #1 key to online successis building and marketing to yourown mailing list. Now, build yourown MEGALIST - FREE - It's anawesome viral autopilot machine!

Want a list of thousands?

Do you need to reach a massive, responsive, targeted
optin list today? And, do you want to build your own
personal optin list for tomorrow? Would you like to
do both at the same time?

Does reaching 10,000+ plus prospects, by next Monday
sound good to you? Your Lucky List makes it possible!

Oh, did I forget to mention that you can be paid to
build your list too? Feeling lucky?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ultimate List Building Exposed

Click here to get

Do you know what a funnel is?
Yes, of course you do! Likely you know what a sales funnel is too!
But just for those of you who you don’t it’s a simple process of taking a visitor and “funnelling them through a process”..
In it’s basic format it looks something like this…
Visitor=Opt in=Sale=Second sale=Third sale=Ongoing sales=Eventual Travel through funnel

Now in this process you have information, support, guidance, up selling, cross selling, down selling and back end selling… You may have training, cloning and a truckload of other goodies going on..
People may leave this funnel at any given point, but you can “control” to some point how they leave your processing.
That information is all for future reports (which we will be adding from time to time in our new site).
Many people in Internet Marketing have asked me…..“How do I get people into my list to begin with..”?
Well there are MANY ways, but one that I personally love and one that I know my own mentor teaches is…
Get them at FREE or BETTER than FREE!
So what can you give to someone that is better than free that will help you to build your list?
Well, lets look at that in more detail first.
Have a process in mind when you start this step.. Understand where you are ‘leading’ your visitor, do not just think one step ahead, have a plan, a goal, a purpose and to quote what Mike Filsaime teaches.. “Begin with the end in Mind…. “
My latest quote, one that I think I lay claim to is this…..
“Focus lets you see further on down the road… Action, takes you there…”
So combining the two methods above, we already have a strong guiding force to ensure we build that list.
One is to have the focus, the foresight to know where we are headed, where we want to take our members on their journey and we also have the strategy implemented, we are taking action to put this machine in motion.
I call it a machine, because provided you set this right, you could in reality have a detachment from the whole process once it kicks into motion and you could simply become an observer and watch the whole process unfold..
Lets look at flower arranging as my example.. Lets say that this was my area of expertise, then I would probably start with a free eBook or better still a free video on basic flower arranging techniques and or tips…
That would be something my audience would be interested in, and they would be willing to share their email address for!
What is the cost of this method?
Well, there are MANY things you could use, and you do not even have to create them yourself.
Think about original marketing techniques… Offline, you would have to pay to advertise in a magazine, newspaper or journal in your field. You could pay for leaflets, inserts, TV ads, Radio ads, Business Cards, gift items with your contact information on and much more to spread the word about your business.. But this would not come cheap!
Now you can set up a web site, create a product at a very low budget and then give that away for free in return for the right to market to them in future – their email address..
Better still, you create a method for making money on the upsell to this free exchange and then you give that first upsell to your members to keep a high percentage of the profit.. This makes them an affiliate of your product, and they will then “advertise” on your behalf..
The incentive for them is income and to let people know about a great service or product you have and you get more names on your list to market to for the future…