Do you own your mailing list?
This might sound like a strange question, but just think
about it for a minute.
So you think you own your list? Well if you use any list
building services, you might not. I'm sure you've seen
those services where you refer people to a replicated site,
they join your downline, and you can mail to them once a
week. Chances are pretty good you have even joined one, or
more, of them.
There are a few problems with these services:
- You can't email "your" list when you need to
- You get email from 5 or 6 people (your upline)
- All of your efforts go towards building a huge list for
the owner of the site, but not really for you.
I have known of these problems for a long time, but never
did anything about it. I've wanted to, but just never got
around to it.
My very good friend, Javier Salces, has done something
about it - he has created a truly viral list building service
with no problems like previous services. Just take a look
at how he has solved this problem:
1). You actually own your list. Instead of building a
downline, you build a mailing list that is yours, and yours
alone. There won't be 5 or 6 other people sending email to
your subscribers. Just you. They actually subscribe to your
autoresponder, and are yours!
2). You won't get bombarded with email from a bunch of
other people (your upline).
3). A built-in profit machine. After someone subscribes to
your list, they will be shown a special one time offer that
YOU set up. Not a way for the owner to earn a nice lump of
cash, but a way for YOU to. Javier very easily could have
kept this space to himself, but decided to give it to you.
I could go on and on about, but I'll
just let you see for yourself how this free list building
service can help you. Have a look here:
All the Best,
Anthony Vieira Da Cruz
P.S. You haven't seen me promoting any other list building
service like this, mostly because of the glaring flaws they
all have. This is a truly unique system. It won't take long
before you see a bunch of knock-offs appearing. Just
remember the original: